About us

At the interface between businesses and public authorities, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nouvelle-Aquitaine coordinates and supports the activities of the network of 13 Territorial Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIT).

Its Role:
The CCIs of Nouvelle-Aquitaine carry out service missions for businesses in their jurisdiction, in line with the directions given by CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine and in coherence with regional sectoral plans:

  • Support, assistance, networking, and advice in business creation and takeover, notably through the Business Formalities Centers (CFE)
  • Support and advice for the international development and export of businesses' production
  • Establishment and management of initial or ongoing professional training facilities
  • Creation and management of facilities, especially port and airport infrastructures.Expertise, consultation, or studies requested by public authorities on matters related to industry, commerce, services, economic development, professional training, or regional planning

A National Reform:
The law of July 23, 2010, supplemented by the decrees of August 3, 2010, and December 1, 2010, along with decree No. 2016-1894 of December 27, 2016, significantly changed the organization of the consular network in France as part of the General Review of Public Policies (RGPP).

Effective from January 1, 2011, this reform is based on three main principles:

  1. Strengthening the national level and regional levels (CCIR), while maintaining local proximity (CCIT)
  2. Improving the quality and consistency of services provided by chambers to businesses in their territory
  3. Reducing the fiscal pressure on businesses.

For more information:

Enhanced Missions:
CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine performs all the missions of the chambers of commerce and industry network. It is consulted by the regional council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine for any business assistance program the region considers creating. It is involved in the development of the Regional Development and Planning Scheme (SRADDT) and territorial coherence schemes when they exceed the jurisdiction of a CCIT.

CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine:

  • Votes on the applicable strategy in all CCIT jurisdictions
  • Establishes a master plan defining the number and jurisdiction of CCIT
  • Adopts sectoral plans (training, creation-transmission, innovation, international, sustainable development, etc.)
  • Allocates between itself and CCIT the revenue it collects by law
  • Ensures the consistency of CCIT budgets with the regional strategy
  • Uses financial solidarity among CCIT in case of one's failure
  • Provides legal and audit support as well as administrative support in HR management, accounting, communication, and information systems to CCIT
  • Manages, from January 1, 2013, all personnel under the status of CCIT and CCIR, which it then places at the disposal of CCIT for some
  • Develops a regional plan for professional training, which is then implemented among CCIT
  • Can create and/or manage initial and ongoing training establishments
  • Can delegate some of its powers to CCIT through an agreement.

Get in touch with us

2, place de la Bourse CS 91942
